Over the weekend, news outlets were reporting that a black bear was captured in some lady’s backyard after several sightings in Virginia Beach, where the bear had apparently wandered around for several days.

To the surprise of Virginia Beach residents, the bear spent nearly a week romping around the area and scaring the shit out of people.

Which leads me to this…

Dear bears,

I’m sick of hearing about you roaming around, stealing from hikers and turning up where you’re uninvited. You’re arrogant and entitled, going where you want, doing as you please, taking what you like; but I’m not impressed.

You need to stop acting so smug, bears. You’re homeless.

There. I said it.

Maybe you inspired fear once, but from where I’m sitting, these days, you’re just lazy freeloaders. Everyone is always acting like you should be feared and respected. But you continue to destroy your reputation with this disgraceful behavior, and I can’t respect that.

For fuck’s sake, bears, pull it together. You’re embarrassing yourselves.

What kind of predators are you, anyway? I don’t see sharks rolling up to neighborhood garbage cans for dinner. That’s not intimidating!

And all that time you spend sleeping in the woods…

No one’s afraid of chronic nappers. Where’s your ambition?

What’s next? A hobo camp under a bridge?

Here’s some tough love, bears: It’s time to get your shit together.

You have so much potential, but you’re throwing it all away. You’re supposed to be super-intimidating, master hunters. Not aimless drifters.

The world expects so much more of you, and I think it’s time for you to act accordingly.

I’m not a bear life coach. But I’m not even sure such a thing exists, so I’m going to step in with some advice.

It’s never too late to get your lives back on track. Set some goals, bears. Get a resume together.

I’ll even help get you started.

Objective: To eat and sleep

Special skills: Sharp claws; ability to run fast; deceptively cute and especially deadly

Enemies: Wolves, humans and heat

Education: None

Hobbies: Fishing and listening to Harry Belafonte (I improvised that last one, but occasionally, employers like to know personal details about you.)

Now, buy yourself a suit. Nothing fancy, just something that says: “Hey, world! I’m on a fucking rampage.”

See how sharp you look?

I hope you’re listening, bears. It’s time to grow up.

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*The following post was written in a delirious state of sleep deprivation. I returned from a wedding-weekend extravaganza only hours ago, and I am so tired I could curl up in a ball and sleep in my garage for a week. Seriously. I’m not picky anymore. Just let me sleep.

First, let me say: If you’re in the mood for some bad drawings, I’m guest posting at the hilariously irreverent Jillsmo’s place today. See me take on the This Is Me Meme.

And now, for the results tens of people have been waiting for…

I’ll start by saying that I had no idea that the giveaway was going to be such a success. Thanks to everyone who entered, faux feuded (really feuded?), blogged or tweeted to help promote my first-ever give away.

A special thanks to VitaminP of Your Headlights Are Out for being the judge. I have it on good authority that he was very thoughtful, diplomatic and careful with his deliberation. (Seriously, he explained his process via e-mail, and he was not messing around.)

Here’s an excerpt from the e-mail:

“Murderparty is more than just indelible rage. Murderparty isn’t something fun or cool that you invite your friends to and have wine spritzers at. Murderparty is bigger than that. It’s bigger than all of us. And that one comment that summed up what, to this alkee, Murderparty is really all about…belonged to Princess Muffintop (twitter handle PMuffintop), who I declare the winner of this contest.”

So congratulations to Princess Muffintop, the proud new owner of a vampire squid/murder party shirt. Can I just say: Please never wear it while being arrested.
Here’s the winning comment:

Because saw about ten times the comments I expected, I decided to randomly select a second winner. And the second winner is…

FranceRants (twitter handle FranceRants)

(If you have a recommendation for a better software or program to pick a random winner from a comment section, I’m all ears. I searched for an hour, and although it wasn’t exactly what I wanted, it did get the job done.) (It doesn’t help that I’m pretty sure I’m sleep walking right now.)

Congratulations to both winners. Please e-mail me (the21stcenturymrs@gmail.com), so I can get your shirts to you.

If you didn’t win, I have some good news: Because some of you threatened to kill me (lovingly I’m sure) if I could not get vampire squid/murder party shirts to you, I am going to spend some time this week getting a Cafe Press store open. More on that later.

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This may come as a surprise to you–it certainly came as a surprise to me–but there is a certain level of demand for vampire squid merchandise. And if you follow me on Twitter, you are also aware of the small, but persistent demand for merchandise bearing the phrase: Murder Party. (I am not making this up. People have actually asked me for these things.)

For those of you not familiar with the term “Murder Party”, it is my go-to expletive when a day turns sour. For example, last week, I lost my wedding ring, and I was feeling pretty grumpy. And for four days straight–it took four days to recovery the ring–most everything made me angry, causing me to think or say aloud : “murder party”. It’s basically my way of warning the world that I’m feeling homicidal.*

So for the people that love vampire squid and murder party as much as I do, I have designed a T-shirt:

All you have to do to win the one-of-a-kind, American Apparel, vampire squid/murder party T-shirt above (in the sleeve length of your choice!) is use “murder party ” in a sentence. I have selected an impartial judge in the form of VitaminP (Twitter handle @vitaminp), who owes me a favor after I guest illustrated a post for him earlier this week. He will select the funniest entry (people, he knows funny), and I will announce the winner on Monday morning.

To be considered, please leave your sentence(s) in the comment section below before noon (EST) on Sunday. Enter as many times as you please.

*I’m in no way homicidal, nor am I endorsing homicide, patricide, matricide or any other form of actual murder.

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