As a newbie blogger–barely two months old, y’all!–I’ve been overwhelmed by how friendly everyone has been. I could get all serious on you and tell you that blogging brought me back to life when I was feeling lonely and blue, but that seems like a bit much for a Monday, right?

So instead, I’ll just say thanks. If you’ve ever stopped by, commented, subscribed, followed me on Twitter, added me to your blogroll or become a fan of the Mrs on Facebook, thank you. I celebrate every comment, every subscriber, every visit, because the idea that anyone reads this blog absolutely blows my mind. I feel like I’ve been welcomed to a pretty great party at a time when I needed new friends. And the generosity, kindness and good humor of everyone has been more than I could have hoped for.

In what was probably the most unexpected act of generosity I’ve received as a young blogger, the self-proclaimed mayor of Fordeville invited me to be a guest blogger on her site–or house sitter, if you will–while she enjoys some rest and relaxation on the beach.

Before I give you the link, I need to apologize to the good people of Publix. When I got the invitation to be a guest at Fordeville’s place, I was checking my e-mail at the grocery story–like a self-important jerkface–and I was so excited that I may or may not have knocked over some apples. (Hint: I totally did and it was ugly.)

So Publix: I’m sorry I ruined your produce.

OK, now go visit me at The Fordeville Diaries‘ house (the bad drawings are over there today) and read my response to the lady of Fordeville’s questions: What’s my must-have vacation cocktail? And what show must she DVR this week?

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10 Responses to I’m house sitting. Sort of.

  1. Kimberly says:

    You’ve only been blogging for 2 months?! Welcome to the dark side my friend…muwhahaha. Kidding. I love blogging. It’s a wonderful outlet and I’ve met so many wonderful people here. I hope that you enjoy it!!
    Ok, off to check out your post.

  2. thank you for WRITING. you are hysterical and a breath of fresh air. and also…. i have been sending the BF your pregnophobia posts.
    especially because he has been making those googly eyes at babies on T.V. and i’m telling him that there will in no uncertain terms be a baby unless
    a.) there’s a ring on this finger and a party with me in a white dress
    2.) hell freezes over
    c. we figure out how he can give birth, instead of me.

    • the mrs says:

      These are all very reasonable conditions, and I will not rest until your terms are met. Perhaps we should create some kind of safety shelter for pregnophobes…

      P.S. Thank you thank you thank you for the nice things you said.

  3. Jessica says:

    I found your blog from Fordeville. Your post over there was hilarious and so true. I have only been blogging for about 2 months now also.

  4. Here is ANOTHER comment and I must say that I love the layout of your website and the name! I will definitely make sure to return in the future! I added you on Twitter as well! I am @retail_review

  5. Kim (The Fordeville Diaries) says:

    Dude, you are the greatest house sitter. I may extend my trip an extra week, now that I have begun to resemble your final drawing in today’s post. Huge thanks!

  6. Alexandra says:

    Now, I must go see you at fordeville.
    also? You know our mutual bloggy crush @thesuniverse? She’s my feature funny lady today.

    Just so you know..


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