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mmmm toast…
Yay, you’re back! With toast! But your vomit circle is so much smaller than mine, and your things I actually do overlap so much bigger that I’m jealous now and have to go eat some toast. With chocolate.
Oh wow, that should have said commit circle, not vomit, but my iPad keeps correcting it to vomit. My iPad vomits at commitment!
Things are hard. Let’s try not to do too many at once, we could hurt ourselves. I mean, we are CONSTANTLY breathing and keeping our hearts beating. I feel like I don’t get enough recognition for that.
People have a vomit circle? Is that a thing? Sometimes I feel so out of it on the Internet 😉
My “things I commit to doing” circle is pretty small. I’ve got a well developed “no” response. I also have a well developed toast eating capacity. Excuse me while I go put those things on my resume.
I prefer the Pop Tarts of procrastination myself.
Can’t remember if I’ve ever commented before, but I’ve followed along and it’s cool to see things back in action. Clearly, “things you end up doing” and “things you should do” have an admirable percentage in common. Long live toast.
You just talked about way too many things at once. Slow down speed racer. Let’s focus on the toast.
Ha! Awesome description!
Once you get old like me (*cough-cough, 40-something*) then you can add a few more stellar circles to the lovely Venn diagram of life, for example “Things That I Thought I Might Have Already Done But Turns Out I Didn’t” and the ever-popular “Things My Husband and Kids Want Me to Get Done But I Ran Out of Time and Lie About to Get Them Off My Case and Then I Try To Do Tomorrow Instead.”
And my circles of accomplishments do not include toast. They include café lattes or Girl Scout cookies (sometimes both).
[…] Things | This is Not That Blog I freaking love the graphics that go along with the posts. It’s like birthday cake to me. […]
I know those feels.
Mmmm, toast with nutella….toast with peanut butter and honey….Laundry? What laundry?
How are you not Allie Brosh famous?
‘Cos she doesn’t post enough – just as cool and cute and funny, though…
Toast. Best. Smell. Ever.
There is nothing better than toast that is saturated in butter. mmmmmmmmm.
I want to do things… This has inspired me to do those things…
*totters off to fulfill my need to do things*
*comes back confused*
I believe I’m lost. Where’s the circle for when there are no things?
I feel like this is 100% me.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
I hope you enjoyed your toast. And that it had delicious jelly on it. Or maybe fancy preserves. Mmmm. Toast.
It’s like you snuck into my house and took a picture of me.
Wait a minute….
I am extremely committed to eating toast.
This is actually how I always end up dealing with my tasks! Sometimes, I plan to accomplish a lot of things and end up doing other things that are less important/ Well, life should be taken lightly at least that is how it works for me…and other people I know 🙂
Damn. I’m too late for the giveaway. Luckily, I love Venn Diagrams and hate small talk with strangers so much that I will buy the book on Kindle anyway.
hahaha! that’s me for sure!
cool post!
Yes, but if the toast has butter and strawberry jelly, then it encompasses all things and is the nexus by which all events spring. (I have no idea what I’m saying anymore…it’s time for a nap.)
Wow, I’m glad to have found you. This blog is headed for my Feedly STAT. 🙂
Lol… Awesome Post… Awesome Blog… Too many people dealing with the same problem. My statement would say ” me eating Sweets which is way better than ….” I love toast too but the butter and jam in India just doesn’t taste like what you get in every other country… Sigh 🙁
If we all just keep committing to do more and more things, then eventually the “things I commit to doing” circle will envelop the other two. Then when judgy people are all “you should have done this thing” you can be like, “I was busy doing things I committed to for others. Don’t you care about others?”
My logic is unassailable.
Replace toast with vodka, and that’s me.
Mmmmm….toast. ..
Toast is the greatest.
This is my life.
sitting down watching TV while eating potato chips and drinking my soda and playing on my mini iPad are the things i end up doing, while my hubby would say, what’s our dinner hon? Oops….
The fact that there is any overlap at all is actually pretty impressive!
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My circle of getting things done is way smaller than yours. Also I need a circle for the unexpected things I’m inspired to do for no apparent reason, vaccuming my garage floor; cooking cakes at 2am and using a balance board while brushing my teeth (it will end badly one day) Really enjoying the site.
The good news is I found your blog, thanks to The Bloggess. The bad news? Apparently you’ve gone into hibernation. Hope its temporary.
My “To do” list vs. my “actually got done list” is like 20 to 1. As in 20 pages of the to do and 1 item (not even a page) of the done….
free next weekend. fresh out of toast, but I have wine.
Omg I absolutely love this blog 🙂 it’s refreshing to read a blog from someone with an (excuse my french) “I don’t give a shit attitude” my blog is a lot like this, Great blog!
I DO love a good toast.
Here’s a toast to hopefully, maybe, somehow returning to post new stuff and all…
New post. New toast.
Wow, you circle is way better than mine. I’m more partial to the chocolate pop tart, but I’d rather shove a chocolate hostess cupcake down my throat for a job NOT completed reward.
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