From the yearly archives: 2011

You may have noticed I don’t have an “About Me” section. (Or maybe you haven’t, because you don’t care.) The truth about the “About Me” section is that I have drafted a few, but they always seemed so dumb. I just couldn’t imagine what anyone would want to know about me. The drafts always went like: I’d try to be sincere; then I’d throw in some jokey stuff; and before too long, I’d hate myself pretty hard, junk the draft and go do something else.

So recently, I answered some questions on Twitter, and they might be as close to “About Me” as I ever get. I’m repost-ing the questions/answers here, in case they are of interest.

And that’s about the extent of it. It’s short and sweet, and still somehow probably more then you ever dreamed you wanted to know about me.

If I’ve somehow missed something, feel free to leave a question or two in the comment section. I’ll do my best to fill in the gaps.

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