35 Responses to building furniture and the five stages of grief

  1. jillsmo says:

    Best. Bargaining. Ever.

  2. This is why in our house we leave Santa beer and cookies.

  3. […] [via] Like 9 Laughs for daily content like this! 0 Comments   […]

  4. Jen says:

    Those damn toys. Always get the best of us parent.

  5. WilyGuy says:

    So glad you knew about all 3 stages of anger.
    I love when you buy something and the directions are clearly not written by a native English speaker…well, I don’t love it…


  6. Jaime says:

    I think that’s the very reason they invented assemble service… assembling shit can make or break a couple.

  7. We have to build not one but TWO bikes this year. Clearly I wasn’t thinking when I made these purchases.

  8. Wait, you can build bikes?

    My favorite….acceptance a.k.a just sleeping on the box.

    Hilarious as always!!!!

  9. Marguerite says:

    My brand new husband and I built our bed this summer. No allen wrenches involved, but we ended up having to go buy a drill! since the pre-drilled holes were in a very wrong spot! Furniture buying and building should be part of pre-marital counselling!

  10. Sleeping in a box. Not just for the homeless anymore 😉

  11. Alex says:

    This was my life three weeks ago. except during the depression stage, Rolling in the Deep by Adele was playing on repeat. I was definitely singing the “we could have at it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL” part to the bed and trying not to sob.

  12. Suniverse says:

    I gladly pay extra to have my furniture come readily assembled. Because I think I might get stuck in the anger stage on an infinite loop.

  13. Haven’t we all been there. Consequently, I’m now in favour of buying already constructed furniture and hiring vans.

  14. Ashley Z says:

    Ahhhhh hahahahah Been there. I bought one of those entertainment pieces that have the place for the TV then the cubes all around it. God, just about died. 4 hours and a bottle of jameo later, my friend and I finished it.

    I died laughing with the sleeping on the box thing. So great. It’s not nuclear science Ikea, but it feels like it.

  15. Kellie says:

    This is really funny!

  16. So nice to read something and really laugh out loud. Reminds me of my couch from IKEA. My fav. shot is the one of the woman sleeping on the box!

  17. […] Five Stages of Furniture Grief (and it’s even funnier if you followed her on Twitter and read her many posts espousing her hate for the furniture) […]

  18. Lauren says:

    I just can’t stop laughing when I read the stage 3 of bargaining. It is so funny. I am loving it.

  19. Sheriji says:

    We bought this bed. The instructions listed parts that didn’t exist, and issued instructions which couldn’t be followed. I proposed sending corrections, as a benevolent gesture to all who follow, but Husband didn’t think it would do any good. Meanwhile I have 8 “Phillips screws” that were actually bolts, and 6 “Hexagonal Bolts” that were actually wood screws holding together a piece of furniture I sleep on every night. Is that faith?

  20. Laine says:

    Annnndddd, reasons why the ONE piece of furniture we bought is still sitting in the box in the laundry room.
    She’ll get that desk someday.

  21. Felly says:

    I agree that this is really awesome!!

  22. I really, really love this. LOVE IT.
    When I come home dragging a box from IKEA, my husband instantly wants to crack open a beer and pop a Valium. He usually ends up cursing the Swedes. Loudly.

  23. […] Building furniture and the 5 stages of grief […]

  24. LOL this made me chuckle out loud. Love it!

  25. Caro says:

    I snorted so hard during the three stages of anger my kid stopped watching his brand new movie.

  26. Sharilyn says:

    I was really having fun reading this post…Thanks a lot for making my day…

  27. […] I discovered this awesome comic about the five stages of grief and putting together IKEA furniture. So true. So sadly […]

  28. Jacky says:

    This is definitely very funny!!LOL

  29. katrina79 says:

    As usual…This is really funny!!Thanks for the great post…I enjoyed it…

  30. Add the stage where you take it all apart again to get back the screws you used in the wrong place.

  31. Alexa Taylor says:

    Quite humerous,fortunate for me I have assembled bicycle before.

  32. This is so accurate!!!

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