Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Thanks to the lovely people of Savannah, I had bingo before noon on St. Patrick’s Day.

Here are some highlights…

Luckily, this girl was inches away from some paramedics. (When we advised the paramedics of the fact that we were certain they would be carting off a fallen drunk fairly soon, they asked “Which one?”)

Now, I have to confess that the Mr and I left the St. Patrick’s Day celebration around 2:30 pm.m, because we were in Jacksonville until 8 a.m. that morning (the Mr’s aunt’s memorial service was Wednesday afternoon.) I feel certain that there was so much more to see throughout the day, and I’m sorry that we didn’t get it all.

However, I did get some ideas for next year’s game of Leprechaun Bingo, including…

Optimistic douchebags

Green fountains…

Also, this guy…

Take-my-picture guy’s friend, someone who has been growing a rat tail for two years (it’s dyed green, for St. Patrick’s Day, of course)…

One more thing I’ll have to add to the bingo card: someone you know, because even in a city far far away from my home, I ran into my cousin in the middle of the parade.

Here are some photos of folks playing Leprechaun Bingo elsewhere in the world:

The lady of Flynnsight (twitter handle @flynnsight)

The always hilarious VerbVixen (twitter handle @verbvixen)

And poor hateyouprobably, who had to work all day, but sent this as her entry for “guy not wearing any green” (twitter handle @hateyouprobably)

It’s not too late to send your Leprechaun Bingo photos; they’ll be celebrating in Savannah all weekend long. If you have pics to share, e-mail or tweet me, and I’ll add them to the post.

8 Responses to leprechaun bingo recap

  1. irisira says:

    Looks like a fun parade. 🙂 More fun, likely, because in Savannah it is sunny and warm right now, while in Upstate NY it is grey and cold and muddy. (Women didn’t wear nothing at Saturday’s parade in Albany … too cold!)

  2. little big says:

    I love that one of the leprechaun’s was heckling the parade. Beautiful.

  3. Suniverse says:

    Man, I am many kinds of jealous about missing this. And not a little surprised that Savannah has the second largest parade in the country. Who knew?

    Also, looking at the random TAKE MY PICTURE DUDE, when I read the caption that he introduced you to his friend, all I could picture was him pulling out his dyed green pecker and waving it around.

    I’m not sure what that says about me.

  4. OMG…who heckles a parade?! LOL!

    This was such an awesome game and I am SO thrilled you posted pics! I wish I had some to contribute, but we didn’t do anything. However, when I told my husband about the game, he suggested adding little people dressed as leprechauns.

  5. Alexandra says:

    You people in the big cities have so much fun.

    I served my kids Lucky Charms and soymilk tinted green.

    Then I made green pancakes that they wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole…don’t blame them, they looked gross.

  6. Carrie says:

    highlights of this post for me:
    1. that mini horrible backpack that the girl is wearing. I HATE THOSE THINGS. I feel like it’s the handbag equivalent of…
    2. THAT Green Rattail! The proportions of the hair to the fat head are so…displeasing.
    3. The DTF shirts. Isn’t that what they usually call the GIRLS on Jersey Shore? Are those guys going home with Pauly and Vinny tonight? I don’t understand…

    FAB as always!

  7. Notional says:

    Looks like a fun parade. I like your post. Keep it up good work.

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