The other night I dreamt that I had a guinea pig that I walked on a leash.
So waking up was pretty much bullshit.
P.S. I originally tweeted about this the other day, but I am still not over it. I needed a visual.
P.P. S. Even though we both had dreams that were awesome and revolutionary, my dream is in no way connected to Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. I don’t even think guinea pigs came up once in that speech.
I had some other drawings in mind for today, but they didn’t work out for various reasons. Most of those reasons land somewhere near: Things are going to get better but they haven’t yet.
I said “yes” to too much this week and I am nursing something of a relapse into sadness.
But I missed you. How are you?
I made you this list! (Yay?)
Here is how I am feeling at this very moment:
Here is what I did today:
Here is something my friend Kelly posted to her Tumblr account last week that I love:
And here is my favorite comic/cartoon ever. (You have maybe already seen it. It’s old. I watch it all the time. It’s good for you.) (That last link is probably NSFW, unless you have a door you can close; in which case: Look at you with your fancy door!)
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