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34 Responses to hamsters and hipsters

  1. But what about the Geico Hamsters?

    Nice post, very funny 🙂


  2. Mayor Gia says:

    Hahhahaha this is so freaking spot on I can’t take it.

  3. jillsmo says:

    I actually think the hamster looks good in those glasses

  4. I think you may have developed a test for whether or not you’re a hipster as well. If you are offended or don’t get it, you just might be a hipster. Whew, I’m not a hipster, this time.

  5. Aviran says:

    I think there will be a new trend due to this images.
    “Save the Hipster” or some kind of that.

  6. Suniverse says:

    They both would run in a while, but the hipster would be doing it ironically.

  7. WilyGuy says:

    Why did the hipster burn his mouth? Because he had to drink his coffee before it was cool…

    I never made the hamster / hipster connection before! Kudos on the fun art!


  8. Pish Posh says:

    Hamsters would never carry messenger bags or wear skinny jeans and flannel. They just wouldn’t.

  9. At this stage in the game of dating, I think I’d pick the hamster. At least I’d have a furry snugglebunny to cuddle with…just sayin’

  10. Sharilyn says:

    I like the post you have here and for sure, this is really awesome!!LOL…Funny!!

  11. Errich says:

    For me, this is really funny!!

  12. Tracey says:

    Hamsters DO look ridiculous in those glasses! Who’d have thought it?

  13. sheriji says:

    I really enjoy your blog. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award, which I hope you’ll accept and enjoy! The rules can be found on my page: http://ahmjustsayin.wordpress.com/2012/01/08/instead-of-what-i-should-be-doing/

  14. Jaime says:

    I think the hipster problem could be solved if they started eating their young.

  15. Carrie says:

    I do have a hamster and this post really makes me laugh!LOL

  16. You know, the similarities are uncanny. I can’t believe I never noticed before. Except I think the hamsters look better/more intelligent than hipsters in those glasses…

  17. Jazmin says:

    I love the visuals you have here…LOL

  18. Ja-C says:

    This is really funny…LOL…Thanks for the idea as well…

  19. jossette726 says:

    Your creativity and ideas is really amazing i enjoy it, How i wish i can be creative as yours.

  20. raenze says:

    So funny!comparing the fashion statement of hamster to a human. But it looks like hamster can wear accessories more good than him.

  21. karla says:

    Your very creative and funny too. I really enjoy the ideas that you have used here. Thanks for sharing this.

  22. That hamster’s got it going on with those BBH glasses.

    Give me four little hamster.
    Now down low.
    Now on on flip.
    Dat’s right. Da Hamster is down with it.

  23. JOSE says:

    I think there will be a new trend due to this images.
    “Save the Hipster” or some kind of that.

  24. Anonymous says:

    So funny ? and the hamster looks cute in the glasses omg

  25. Anonymous says:

    Wow so funny and cute I luv this blog omg so cute I love the “fat butt” thing so funny

  26. I luv hamsters ? says:

    If I was a hamster I would marry the hamster with the glasses ??????

  27. Omg so cute are hamsters says:

    Hamsters are the best pet in the world am I right

  28. I love hamsters says:

    Lol so funny the hamster looks smart in the glasses LOL

  29. Coconutz says:


  30. Coconutz says:


  31. Coconutz says:


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