Sometimes, 63 hours can be a long time.

Like “Oh, hey. Babysit this cow for 63 hours.”

Or “Listen to Adele for 63 hours.”

But usually, 63 hours is impossibly short.

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25 Responses to 63 hours

  1. Listening to Adele for 63 hours….isn’t that basically just having the radio on for three days?

  2. HYP says:

    YOU need to stop being funnier than me. It hurts my feelings.

  3. Mayor Gia says:

    haha I love this, and you’re so right. Especially about adele.

  4. Stephanie says:

    After six months of unemployment, I’m strangely excited that this will be the first time that I can really moan and complain on Monday morning. I’m pretty sure that the novelty will wear off quickly, though…

  5. At this point, a mere 63 seconds with Adele is too much. I had to break up with her.

  6. Scott says:

    Especially after the universe tricked us into ridiculous back to back three day weekends less than a month ago. My body needs another Sunday what with football on late on Sunday nights. My boss John has begun saying that Thursday is actually “Friday Eve” which makes it feel like the weekend is longer.

    Let’s make that catch on, in fact, I may have to add that to my list of things to blog about… with obvious links to your fine artwork!


  7. Hahahaha So painfully true!

  8. HeatherL04 says:

    Is the cow on a suicide watch because it listened to Adele for 63 hours? It looks really sad and shocked. Poor cow.

  9. I spent most of this 63 hours on the road. A trip to California to go to my son’s birthday party, then back home. 3000 road miles.

    The 3.5 hours with my kids were over in a blink. The 27 hours on the road? That cow would have been more fun…

  10. Suniverse says:

    I had never actually counted the hours and now I am horrifically sad about them.


    Stupid numbers ruining everything.

  11. Sharielyn says:

    hahahah. I love it!

  12. Red says:

    I slept away most of my 63 hours.
    So sad, but not really because sleep is wonderful.

  13. Heather says:

    Friday night is the best 7 hours of the week. Even Saturday morning is a bit of a let down. You’re just that much closer to Monday.

  14. TriciaRatner says:

    I really love to be part of these funny blog, well Friday is siesta day.

  15. Enrika says:

    Friday is what most people are waiting for especially those who are in government offices..

  16. Janna says:

    I agree that this is funny!lol

  17. Emma says:

    I get 65 hours!!! Finish at 3pm on Fridays 🙂

  18. Virginia says:

    What? 63 hours doing that? You should stop. By the way, this is so funny.

  19. Alisha says:

    I must admit that I have looked at this post more than once. I want to hang it in livingroom.

  20. Short, sweet and so funny!

  21. Wenz28 says:

    Its really fun that we spent our precious time in worthy activities that full of fun.

  22. Wow. 63 hours? I’m pretty sure I spend 31 of those hours celebrating the fact work is over, and another 31 dreading Monday morning. Which pretty much answers the questions: Where do my weekends go??

  23. Love your blog. I don’t comment often, but I always read it. The cow picture rocks! 🙂

  24. Kristi says:

    Sometimes it has to hurt for 63 hours..

    Oh the cow… Sweet cow.

    Nevermind, I’ll find Somecow like yOOOOUUUUUU….

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