Oh, hi.

This is what it looks like when I am scrambling.

In my defense, Drew had foot surgery and couldn’t walk and needed me to bring him lots of water and sandwiches and sometimes sympathy. And this was a little time consuming, but also I had a lot of freelance work to do, which was actually awesome because I got to use the money to pay for sexy things like my power bill and the bread for the sandwiches.

Drew is getting better and went back to work and is currently wearing a $600 dollar space-boot-looking thing on his foot, which we only had to pay $50 dollars for because insurance companies are giving great discounts on space wear these days. But don’t tell NASA, because insurance companies and the space program both have enough problems on their hands right now. Also, I would like some astronaut ice cream, because adding “astronaut” to anything makes it instantly cooler, consider: astronaut accountant and astronaut pencil sharpener or astronaut bar fight.

Anyway, I am still working, trying to catch up, and I have a deadline today and I have to get back to work, but I did miss you, and I thought maybe you could use some more run-on sentences in your life.

And also maybe you need a vampire hamster:

Because they are super apologetic by nature and great in stressful situations.

My last assignment for the week is due by close of business today, and I will turn it in and then draw you some real pictures and post them here tomorrow. And then we will all be best friends.


12 Responses to even astronauts can’t save me now

  1. PishPosh says:

    Vampire hamsters are the BEST in tricky situations that involve subterfuge and a lack of escape options.

  2. I absolutely need a vampire hamster – it will be endlessly entertaining for my dogs – should they chase it or run away??

  3. WilyGuy says:

    I’d rather have an astronaut vampire hamster, thanks.

    Your favorite astronaut blogger,

  4. Mayor Gia says:

    Aww vampire hamster! Love it. Hope things settle for you..

  5. Suniverse says:

    I am so glad we are going to be astronaut best friends again. Because those are the best kind of best friends.

  6. Stephanie says:

    I’d love an astronaut nap right now.

  7. I think “astronaut” is like “Smurf.” Like, “Smurfy! Let’s go!”

    If that makes me seem old, Smurf be it.

  8. Alexis says:

    I will happily be your astronaut best friend. However I’m definitely the sort of astronaut who gets into frequent bar fights. Also? We used to have a vampire hamster. But he ate one of the cats which was really awkward to explain to the kids. So lesson learned – don’t let the vampire hamster out of the hamster ball.

  9. Can we be the kind of astronaut best friends who have those really cool jet packs from the 1950s? Otherwise, I’m out of the relationship.

  10. Meghan says:

    FYI…you dont even have to go to the museum to get astronaut ice cream anymore…the good folks at Old Navy have decided to sell it by their check out. I swear…its right there nestled with all the other crap they try to get the kids to want. My daughter and I got it last week!

  11. Maegan says:

    What a cute vampire hamster! I want to have at least 3 of them. It would be fine, even without an astronaut best friend!
    ‘Love your post!

  12. Divina says:

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I’m looking forward on you next post. Thanks!

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