In your lifetime, you will visit many parks, including…

Community parks

National parks

Theme parks

All of the parks you visit will be made of equal parts entertainment and nostalgia…with one egregious exception.

Office parks

Naming a collection of office buildings an “office park” is thoughtless at best and at worst, the most vicious bait and switch ever.

There is no merriment to be had at an office park; there is only the making of the business plans and the eating of the microwave meals and the passive-aggressive coworkers and the aggressive-aggressive halogen lighting.

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10 Responses to parks: one of these things is not like the others…

  1. I’d like to see a hybrid of all of them – the community amusement office national park. Yellowstone park with offices around old faithful, some swings and costumed characters wandering about greeting the tourists that come to take it all in. Sounds like a million dollar idea and the US Government could make a mint on it!

  2. NerdGirl says:

    I’m guessing the originator of the term wasn’t thinking park as in fun place to go so much as park as in leave something stationary. Like, hey office worker, just park your body here and leave it ’cause this job is going to suck out your soul.

  3. Scott says:

    Now if they put an 8 minute ride there…

  4. Jaime says:

    hahahahaha so true.. I never understood why they called them parks…. false advertising I say!

  5. Suniverse says:

    You say everything that is in my heart. I LOVE YOU>

  6. Luda says:

    I didn’t even know they called them office parks. That is an abomination.

  7. So funny! Agreed about the office parks, is a very misleading name!

  8. TwoBusy says:

    The threat of bear mauling might make people in office parks feel slightly less dead inside and slightly more alive with terror of bear mauling.

    Just sayin’. A mash-up might yield benefits.

  9. Those two things just do not go together. Neither do: “Fun-work” “Exciting-admin” “Enthralling-monotonous-monochrome-work-a-day-existence”.

    I think you should start a campaign to have “office-parks” renamed to something much more fitting.

  10. Janette Ruston says:

    This is unbelievably true ! Well said and great drawings haha !

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