29 Responses to things you can get with 100 pennies

  1. For added vengeance I would suggest a dirty old sock.

  2. lostinidaho says:

    The best part is when you run away, jingling down the street. Sadly, it makes hunting you down much easier for the cops, or the dude you hit now looking for revenge.

    Why in MY day, you could trade in 100 pennies for a whole dollar!!

  3. HeathRobots says:

    Sock Full of Vengeance would be a great name for a band, and all of their music would be my theme song.

  4. jillsmo says:

    Wooo hoooo! Go Vengeance Machine, go!!!!

  5. Stasha says:

    The only thing going through my head is this:

    “Fuck your shit, I have the Vengeance Machine.”

    Hee hee!

  6. karen says:

    Love it as a band name….Sock Full of Vengeance! Rock it out!!!!

  7. Hmmmm….trying to figure out how I can drop “The vengeance machine has spoken!” into conversation today. To make it work I think I’ll have to wreak some vengeance….

  8. VerbVixen says:

    IM bringing this to the next Murderparty!

  9. Luda says:

    I think I have 100 pennies! Thanks for the tips.

  10. Ooh arts and craft time: Today class, we’re making Vengeance Machines. So much more fun than sock puppets!

  11. I looooove the vengeance machine!!!!

  12. Laurie says:

    You might be my new favorite blogger or not, I might be fickle.

  13. Kelley says:

    Ha! Love it! Can I do that into my sons’ butts and not get in trouble for it?

  14. Meghan says:

    Hmmmm….I have a 100 pennies (well, the kids do…they won’t mind) and a husband that sort of deserves a good vengeance machine to the face. Just saying…you might see me on AOL news!
    To the PP…don’t use it on your kids…it’ll leave a mark and since I work for CPS, I can confidently say that they’d probably take them 🙂

  15. brokenbiro says:

    Right on the nose!!

  16. Suniverse says:

    I am ready to market the shit out of the vengeance machine. I love you and your super brain.

  17. Goradde says:

    that’s gotta hurt.

  18. Steve Bailey says:

    100 pennies could also be…… maybe like 100 bullets…. if dropped from the empire state building…. Once again “suck it pedestrians”

  19. nrvs says:

    You swing 100 pennies in one single sock it’s more likely to be called the ‘slap someone in the face with a limp piece of fabric while a giant noise is happening behind you machine’.

  20. Scott says:

    Some day, we’ll be super excited that we got a 1/4 gallon of gas for 100 pennies… sad but true.

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  22. LOVE the vengance machine. So simple. So effective. So painful…

  23. I love this vengeance machine. I am making one now with the pile of socks has been sitting for months on the dryer in hopes of one day reuniting with their match.

  24. Lidia Fox says:

    You swing 100 pennies in one single sock it’s more likely to be called the ‘slap someone in the face with a limp piece of fabric while a giant noise is happening behind you machine’. Because this blog is awesome. The best part is when you run away, jingling down the street.

  25. Suzanne Grey says:

    Even though I’m not good at Math, your post has some sense of humor!

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