I have a lot of free time.

Like, maybe even more than I need.

This can be a problem, because when I have too much time to think about things, my inner monologue can, occasionally, turn critical.

But mostly, I know I am lucky to have any free time, because there are kids in third world countries that don’t even HAVE free time–they only have “worry about starving to death and violence and genocide and tigers” time.

So I make myself snap out of feeling blue and get back to enjoying life, but then…



This post was originally  titled: here’s how my life works (OR why I shouldn’t be allow to post impulsively), but I decided to dump the “why I shouldn’t be allow to post impulsively” for a couple of reasons.

1. It had a glaring typo in it (What the fuck, self?) and should have read “why I shouldn’t be allowed to post impulsively.”

2. The title was confusing.

Here’s what happened:

The Long Version: This post was my gut reaction to having too much to do today. I threw it together in an hour and made every drawing hurriedly with an angry scowl on my face. Usually I work on posts for hours, even days, because I have, historically, been disappointed in myself for posting something quickly, an hour after it falls into my mind, and even though the thought that I would fully regret publishing something I had only work on for a fraction of the time I should have was present in my mind, I did it anyway. The title was my convoluted way of letting you know that I had made the post in haste, so we could all laugh at me for being sulky.

The Shorter Version: I had a hissy fit and drew pictures in a bad mood. The title was a joke, but really only an inside joke I was sharing with myself. I will be more thoughtful in the future, unless I’m in a bad mood, in which case, I am probably doomed to repeat my mistakes. Even though there will be documented proof that that is a terrible idea. Gah!

The Shortest Version: I’m an idiot.

The Finnish Version: Olen idiootti!


What am I doing here besides making it worse?

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21 Responses to here’s how my life works

  1. Meg says:

    Oh so true…why are you taking advice from Jeremy M London?

  2. This sounds oddly familiar. It is indeed a good thing, however, that we don’t have to worry about tigers.

  3. jillsmo says:

    I don’t like that you called me a stranger.

    Because you do all of this for me, you realize. Right?

  4. Rochelle says:

    Lol so true.

  5. Suniverse says:

    The husband and I still don’t feel like grown ups – mortgages, suburbs and kid be damned.

    I think there are people who are grown ups and people who are not. I’ve become accepting of the fact that I am not.


  6. VerbVixen says:


    That’s my whole comment. Just THIS. Cause its so true is only needs ONE WORD.


  7. Um, you have a hobby. It’s BEING AWESOME.

  8. Handflapper says:

    Please don’t stop drawing pictures. Even though yours make mine look a katrillion times shittier in comparison.

  9. Handflapper says:

    Okay, after reading the update, you HAVE to tell me your secret. I spent ALL DAMN day on my shitty pictures.

  10. jillsmo says:

    Why didn’t you apologize to me in Finnish for calling me a stranger?


  11. Sharyn says:

    Can you provide an illustration of the giant pile of work in progress and once it’s done? I’d like to know what that might look like so I can recognize it should we ever meet. Thanks.


    I’m sorry, but I just don’t see where the problem is here.

    Also, inside jokes are totally acceptable in my book. I mean, if you’re gonna make us laugh, you m ight as well throw yourself a bone, too.

  13. Where do you come up with this stuff? I need that pic to post on my frig. As a Wacky Ex Wife, that giant pile suffocating me is right on!!! LMAO

  14. Minka says:

    fucking LOVE IT. First time here and after like, the worst night of nightmares (almost) ever, in which I was a prostitute for a scummy Pimp (not the high-priced call girl kind) and my Johns were just… gross…. it was not erotic at all and I was forced into it on threat of death… (heed my warning — never eat a gallon of frozen yogurt drenched in a river of hot fudge while watching Camelot on Starz right before bedtime. EVER. ), this was a great way to start my morning! (That, and coffee, which I’d given up until I caved again and had some this morning… Ahhh, human frailty and weakness!) And ps –? I always blog impulsively (and if you read a few of my blogs… you’ll believe that!), and my impulses last a LONG FUCKING TIME. I cannot shut up. I also cannot draw. Which is why I was forced to “draw” my pictures and tell my stories visually by working in film and tv for years… (aka my time in the fifth circle of hell). So I say — good for you! Impulsiveness = honesty/candor/uncensored raw truth. Or at least the truth of that moment. Did I mention I fucking loved it? Will be coming back for more! (ps — I have long since given up on saying “What the fuck, self?” because I used to have to say it, like, a million times a day, and also because there will never be a satisfactory answer!)

  15. Alexandra says:

    Only the coolest people are arrested adolescents.


  16. Alexandra says:

    And, now a serious moment:

    I think you are OMFG brilliant, and I don’t kid when I say Hyperbole and Half? Who’s she?

    I don’t even know her anymore.

  17. Kelley says:

    LOL! I have lots of inside jokes I only share with myself. I loved your post and I would never know if it was created in minutes, hours or days. It was hilarious! Now, I must be going. That big large gray thing is coming after me!!!!!!!!!

  18. cath says:

    i love it. can i get it on a tshirt?
    you are so funny! and i’m not even finish…

  19. Adriana Hernandez says:

    I’ve become accepting of the fact that I am not. Why didn’t you apologize to me in Finnish for calling me a stranger? I loved your post and I would never know if it was created in minutes, hours or days.

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