16 Responses to vapid, women’s magazine presents: what his body language says about YOU! (hint: you’re awful)

  1. Mayor Gia says:

    Hahhaha I love this. Especially the sleeping one. Sometimes Boyfriend falls asleep when I’m talking about cats(at 2 am). He clearly thinks I’m boring.

  2. Jaime says:

    that’s fabulous.. I think the sleeping one is my favorite… it’s quite clear that when men are sleeping that they think you are boring and/or not attractive enough to be up all night trying to get it on with you.

  3. Suniverse says:

    This explains so much! Where were you when I needed you? If the husband and I ever split up, I am so going to use these handy lessons to figure out what my new paramour feels.

  4. leigh says:

    oh man… hilarious! magazines love to diminish your self-worth, not only with their ridiculously stick thin models airbrushed to perfection but making you question even second of your life – from romances to career choices… whatever did we do without them? 😛

  5. jillsmo says:

    That’s it. I’m canceling my subscription.

  6. Vapid should also do an article demonstrating the differences between adorable weirdos and actual weirdos.

  7. WilyGuy says:

    You girls thinking we’re being expressive with our “eyes”… you slay me!


  8. Stephanie says:

    And I was so cluelessly secure in my relationship before reading this…thank you so much for enlightening me.

  9. Vapid is an amazing magazine. All of those were spot-on! Where do we subscribe?!

  10. Laine says:

    “Hey girl. I love you.” LOL.

  11. My husband goes to work EVERY DAY. I KNEW he was trying to tell me something!

    (P.S. This is hilarious.)

  12. I knew it all along. Now I’m going to refresh the liner on my dead eyes and follow you on twitter.

    I’m planning to cyber stalk you.

  13. Jessie says:

    Haha!! This is great! Thats for sharing the secret ways of men!

  14. Haley Wolfe says:

    “…And by ‘hopeless spinster’ we mean ’19.'” Also, I just found your blog, and it is funny.

  15. Alexandra says:

    All I can say is from the heart. I wish I knew what to do to make you famous.
    You are so incredibly talented, gifted, intelligent, clever.

    What can we do with all this talent? There has to be something HUGE.

  16. bluzdude says:

    Gah! You’re giving away all our secrets!

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