From the monthly archives: May 2011


In related news, This is Not That Blog has a Facebook page. Feel free to interpret this as: I only enjoy Facebook when it’s convenient.

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So, I think we get it: Grammar is under appreciated and largely misunderstood.

And we all have our pet peeves; I have several. To be specific: the word “anyways,” which I refuse to acknowledge as a real word or even a colloquialism; also, how “regard” and “regards” are often confused (this one mostly annoys me, because I was once humiliated by a professor for using regards incorrectly in class. Some things you only have to learn once.)

One grievance that is particularly vexing: the word “literally.”

When people use “literally” as some sort of bizarre punctuation to a hyperbole, I imagine that what they are telling me LITERALLY happened. This impulse is completely reflexive, and I can’t help it.

So, when someone says she “literally died” when she saw Kate Middleton’s dress, here’s what I picture:

Hey! Abusers of the word “literally,” I have a present for you! It’s the word “practically!” Practically is very close in cadence to literally but much more flexible, because it means “almost or virtually”, where literally means “strictly or exactly.” Please use it often, because the habitual overuse of the word “literally” hurts my brain.

But I want to put my personal pain aside and talk about solutions, because grammar needs our help.

Do we really want to live in a world where the rules and order of language are so neglected that they disappear and no one understands what anyone is saying? Do we want the next generation to grow up writing, “The fight for grammar was a loosing battle,” without irony?

Grammar must make a comeback! And I think, a grammar comeback means grammar must reinvent its image.

History has shown us that stuffy English teachers who hate sentences that end in propositions aren’t doing much for Grammar’s cause.

And so, I turn to you, hip-hop community. Setter of trends, inventor of words, like bling and crunk, help grammar out.

50 Cent, maybe you could conjugate a few verbs in your next single? Think about it: I am shooting, I have shot, I will shoot in the future. It’s a little catchy, right?

I’ve even done my part here by taking one of the most hated exercises in grammar–diagramming sentences–and made it fun…with Tupac lyrics.

Think about it, Slim Thug. Saving grammar–like a gangsta. Diagramming sentences–like a boss.

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Remember that time I got myself into a mess without fully understanding what it would take to get myself out of said mess? (See: Every day of my life.)

It turns out that the only thing I can’t change is my feedburner name. I have to move my feedburner account here:

Here’s the good news: If you’ve been looking for an excuse to unsubscribe to my blog, YOUR DAY HAS FINALLY COME! I will miss you terribly, and I wish you could say the same about me.

More good news: All of my old posts have moved over to Old and new! Best ever!

The bad news? If you are a subscriber to the21stcenturymrs feedburner account, this is the last post you’ll see in your feed unless you re-subscribe here

I’m sorry to make you do anything (I know how much you hate clicking buttons), but I think, in the long run, this is best. I hope clicking the subscribe button won’t be too much for you to endure.

See you soon? Please?

End Update (Also End: Dramatic posts about changes. Seriously, I’m done now. Please don’t hate me.)


Begin original post (Also: Begin forgiving me.):

Don’t freak out. No one died, especially not me.

Remember that time I said I shouldn’t make impulse decisions? Well, the creation of the 21st Century Mrs was kind of impulsive.

When I launched this site, I thought I would write a blog about how strange it is to be a young married person. If you go back far enough in my archives, you can see how that’s where I started out.

But we have come a long way since then. You know what I’m (apparently) really into? I drawing vampire squid and homeless bears.

So I’m moving. To a place where homeless bears can run free.

I’m told that the move will be quick and painless, and you’ll even still be able to find me via a redirect from

Don’t get me wrong. I still love the21stcenturymrs, but I feel like the title betrays my content.

Also I didn’t realize that when I became “the mrs”, I was being maybe more private than I want to be. You can know my name: I’m Kendall, and I think you’re awesome.

I wanted to be a little anonymous because my first and last name are a unique, and if I put them both on this site, I might never get another job. But let’s be first name besties, OK?

I’m a little nervous about what will happen to Feedburner and my Facebook page, but I promise you I think it’s worth the trouble.

As soon as my host can migrate my content (all the posts and comments, I’ve been told are coming with), you can find me at:

I will also be changing my Twitter handle. Shortly after the site name changes, my Twitter user name will become NotThatKendall.

Is this too much change? Please don’t hate me. We’re going to have a really good time over at This is Not That Blog.

Thanks for baring with me as these changes take effect.

Say a prayer for my content, your comments, the drawings, the rss feed and my sanity.

Now, if you will, a moment of silence for the21stcenturymrs. May she rest in peace.

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